Allgemein Event

Looking back on VSHN HackDay #1

30. Juni 2021

On June 24 and 25 2021, the first VSHN internal HackDay took place and it was a huge success.

The event was open to all VSHNeers who were interested to break out of the daily business and work on cool and fun stuff.

Organisation & execution of the HackDay

We decided that topics should be split into work groups consisting of 1-2 people. The topics were collected beforehand in our forum and VSHNeers could either join a topic or bring in their own ideas.

We agreed on having this HackDay remote (which might change for the next edition) via Mibo which was also a lot of fun.

After a quick kick-off meeting in Mibo on the first day, the groups organized themselves and started to work on their topics. All attendees got a lunch voucher to order food and to have at least lunch together remotely.

At 5.00pm on the first day, we met again on Mibo to have an Apéro (which was also delivered to our doorsteps via and to discuss the findings of the first day.

The next morning, the groups met again and continued their work. After another nice lunch break, we met all again in Mibo at 4.00pm for the presentations. Every group had 5mins to present their work, which was also a lot of fun because even in the virtual world, some VSHNeers had problems with the beamer and their presentations. 🙂

Topics & groups

We had an awesome choice of interesting topics ranging from evaluating a new recruiting and HR tool (for the not-so technical VSHNeers), managing GitHub Orgs with code, Commodore component hub and ModuleSync.

Here’s the topics overview:

New Recruiting Tool & Research “Human Resources” Tools
Commodore Component Hub
Experiment with OAM and KubeVela
Credit card payment for VSHN services
VSHN Reservationtool for shared desks
create offers in Hubspot
Container Image Cache
Publish Commodore to PyPI
Manage GitHub Orgs with Code
Simple http/tcp/udp endpoint and uptime monitoring

Choosing the winner

After each group presented their outcome of the work done during the HackDay, we had to choose a winner. Everyone had one vote and we voted via Mentimeter which was a lot of fun as we had a draw after the first voting round and had to vote again for the remaining 3 ideas.

The winner team „VSHN Reservationtool for shared desks“ received a prize of CHF 250.00 per person to spend in Swibeco (our employee benefits program) and of course received a lot of glory and honor 🎉.

We are all looking forward to our next VSHN HackDay!

Markus Speth

Marketing, People, Strategy

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