
Self-Service Provisioning with the Crossplane Service Broker

6. Mai 2021

Tobias Brunner’s lightning talk at Crossplane Community Day Europe 2021.

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The Crossplane Service Broker exposes Crossplane primitives via the Open Service Broker API. Tobias will introduce the concepts behind the Crossplane Service Broker and demonstrate to the audience how it all works together. By leveraging the Open Service Broker API while coupling it with the powerful concept of Crossplane Compositions it’s very easy to enable users of a platform which exposes Open Service Broker API integration (like Kubernetes Service Catalog or Cloudfoundry) to provision services fully automated. In a demonstration a real use case will be shown how a Redis service can be provisioned using the Open Service Broker API, leveraging the Crossplane Compositions and the Helm provider.


Note: This talk was held at the Crossplane Community Day Europe 2021

Also see: Crossplane – The Control-Plane of the future

Markus Speth

Marketing, People, Strategy

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