
VSHN.timer #127: Crossplane Rising

7. Feb. 2022

Welcome to another VSHN.timer! Every Monday, 5 links related to Kubernetes, OpenShift, CI / CD, and DevOps; all stuff coming out of our own chat system, making us think, laugh, or simply work better.

This week we’re going to talk about how Crossplane is steadily becoming the new Cloud Native standard for infrastructure management.

But before we start, we’d like to ask you to participate in our DevOps in Switzerland Study 2022; we’re interested in knowing how DevOps is contributing to the digital transformation of our country, and besides the good karma, you’ll have the chance to win a prize!

1. Since its introduction in December 2018, Crossplane has become a fundamental part of the toolkit of DevOps teams all over the world. If you don’t believe us, ask the AWS container team, who designed a GitOps model for provisioning EKS clusters based on Crossplane and Argo CD.


2. Developing and testing Crossplane packages involves quite a bit of work, usually spinning a cluster, installing Crossplane in it, and verifying that the package works properly. Thankfully Aaron Eaton has found an easier way using kuttl, the Kubernetes Test TooL.


3. The Upbound team, behind the success of Crossplane, have recently announced that they have 100% cloud coverage thanks to Terrajet, a tool that generates Crossplane providers from their Terraform equivalents.


4. Terrajet is opening new possibilities for Crossplane as we speak: thanks to it, we now have an Exoscale Crossplane provider!


5. Crossplane is fantastic, but Terraform still has a strong and vibrant ecosystem around it. Take for example Kubestack Cloud, an useful app to design complex Kubernetes platforms and to generate its corresponding Terraform description.


Are you using Crossplane? Have you developed a Crossplane package? Would you like to share some Crossplane tips and tricks with the community? Get in touch with us, and see you next week for another edition of VSHN.timer.

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PS3: check out our previous VSHN.timer editions about Terraform and Crossplane: #65 and #82.

Adrian Kosmaczewski

Adrian Kosmaczewski ist bei VSHN für den Bereich Developer Relations zuständig. Er ist seit 1996 Software-Entwickler, Trainer und veröffentlichter Autor. Adrian hat einen Master in Informationstechnologie von der Universität Liverpool.

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