
VSHN.timer #212: Running a Business in 2024

8. Jan. 2024

Welcome to another VSHN.timer! Every Monday, 5 links related to Kubernetes, OpenShift, CI / CD, and DevOps; all stuff coming out of our own chat system, making us think, laugh, or simply work better.

This week we’re going to talk about the many intricacies and possible successful outcomes of running a business.

1. Taylor Malmsheimer, Head of Strategy at Section (online learning service founded by Prof. Scott Galloway) recently compiled the 10 most important lessons they learned during a rocky 2023. First and foremost: quality of thought is what matters. Second: resist the temptation to say „this is how we do things.“


2. Natalie Jacot, Owner & CEO of OHNI, shared on LinkedIn 10 things she learned running her company: First: the market is not oversaturated, but your supply is either poor or the demand is too small. Second: there is no such thing as too high a price, just too little value.


3. Gergely Orosz has reported about a change in Section 174 of the US tax law that is apparently making bootstrapped software businesses completely unsustainable. His article also tells an interesting fact about Swiss-based companies, probably explaining the leadership of Switzerland in innovation.


4. Right before Christmas we learned about our friends at Isovalent being acquired by Cisco! This is a great achievement, and we couldn’t be prouder to be early and enthusiastic adopters of their Cilium technology.


5. Steph Ango, CEO of Obsidian, thinks that optimism is hard because it must be constantly reaffirmed. In the face of a hostile, cynical world, it takes effort to show that positivity has merit.


Are you optimist about 2024? What do you think is the key element that makes Switzerland so innovative? Would you like to share some business insight with our readers? Get in touch with us, and see you next week for another edition of VSHN.timer.

PS: check out our previous VSHN.timer editions about business: #15, #26, #35, #41, #70, #112, #141, #159, #176, and #181.

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Adrian Kosmaczewski

Adrian Kosmaczewski ist bei VSHN für den Bereich Developer Relations zuständig. Er ist seit 1996 Software-Entwickler, Trainer und veröffentlichter Autor. Adrian hat einen Master in Informationstechnologie von der Universität Liverpool.

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