
Welcome, Aline!

8. Feb 2023

Hey, I’m Aline. I joined the Aldebaran team (after much deliberation – sorry Vega folks 😉 ) as a DevOps engineer.

I’m a software engineer gone ops, having discovered my interest during my previous employment. After spending some time setting up and maintaining a bespoke Kubernetes environment for a microservices-driven product, I’m now hoping to diversify my knowledge (and find out just how good OpenShift actually is). I’m looking forward to new challenges at VSHN.

My favourite hobby is trying new things, especially if these things allow me to be creative. Most recently I’ve taken up the Ukulele and gotten into sewing. I also play games, both offline and online, but always with friends. Many experiences are so much better when shared!

In that light, I’m looking forward to getting to know everyone at VSHN. Let’s chat sometime, and let me know if you ever want to see copious amounts of cat pictures. 😉

Markus Speth

Markus is VSHN's CEO and one of the General Managers.

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