Welcome Carole!
Hi, I’m Carole Hamer, and I’ve been working in tech startups in France, the US, and Switzerland for about twenty years. Up until now I’ve mostly worked in very small startups (<= 20 people total), which has allowed me to try out almost every role that exists in an IT department – usually all at once. I’ve found that I especially enjoy the DevOps role, which is why I’m thrilled to be working as a DevOps Engineer in VSHN’s Capella team where I can take a deeper dive into Kubernetes and other tools for deployment and scaling.
I’ve always been interested in how startups grow into scalable companies – in terms of organization as well as IT infrastructure. I’ve been collecting my ideas in a blog (at https://startup2scalable.com/) and I hope to one day write a book on the subject. VSHN is a particularly fascinating example because the company has grown quite rapidly in the past few years, and during this growth, the VSHNeers have developed the company’s policies and procedures in a collaborative open-source handbook: https://handbook.vshn.ch/hb/index.html
When I’m not tinkering with virtual servers, my passion is working on my comic book that I’ve been writing and illustrating for the past few years. I also love building cities out of Legos and playing Pokémon Go with my kids.