
Welcome Finn!

4. Aug. 2020

Hi everyone,
My name is Finn. Last year I was in school in Hirschengraben. I learned a little bit of English, maths, and other interesting things.
In my spare time I play three to four times a week football, where I meet a lot of friends; I play video games sometimes, too.
My goal this year is to learn programming, to get to know as many programming languages as possible, and to understand them.
One of my dreams is to have a wife and two children and to hopefully stay in VSHN after my apprenticeship.

Adrian Kosmaczewski

Adrian Kosmaczewski ist bei VSHN für den Bereich Developer Relations zuständig. Er ist seit 1996 Software-Entwickler, Trainer und veröffentlichter Autor. Adrian hat einen Master in Informationstechnologie von der Universität Liverpool.

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