Cloud Native Computing Meetup #4 2019
Our fourth Cloud Native Computing Meetup 2019 took place on August 29th at VMware Switzerland in the Dell EMC Cafeteria in Zurich. Many thanks to VMware for providing the great premises and sponsoring the Apéro. As always, the fourth CNC-Meetup 2019 was very well attended and after interesting talks we had an exciting round of talks in a pleasant atmosphere.
As official member of CNCF and first Swiss Kubernetes Certified Service Provider (KCSP) VSHN supports the Cloud Native Computing Foundation with the organization of the CNC-Meetups in Zurich and we sponsored the KubeCon & CloudNativeCon Europe 2019 im Mai in Barcelona.
Agenda and Talks
Christian Mäder, nxt Engineering: “Efficient software development with docker-compose”
Cojan van Ballegooijen, Cloudbees, Running CI/CD with CloudBees and VMWare Cloud PKS (
Running CI/CD with VMWare Cloud PKS and Jenkins X from Cojan van Ballegooijen
Nick Jones, D2iQ, formerly known as Mesosphere: “Introducing KUDO – Kubernetes Operators The Easy Way!”Introducing KUDO – Kubernetes Operators, The Easy Way from Nick Jones
Many thanks to the speakers for the exciting talks and the sponsor VMware for the great location and the Apéro. In addition to the obligatory pizza, there were also delicious salads and a great selection of beer!
We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did and we would be happy to see many of you again at the next Meetup.
Next events
Our event overview:
Next CNC-Meetup Zurich
The next CNC Meetup will take place on Thu. November 7. We are already looking forward to it today and wish everyone a good time until then!
Thanks and see you soon!