DevOps in Switzerland Study 2022
Are Swiss companies DevOps ready?
We want to determine again the current state of DevOps. Our goal with this study is to investigate how you and your company understand DevOps and whether you already work according to DevOps principles. The current state of DevOps, reasons for and against an introduction of the DevOps philosophy and where the development is headed will be determined. We will compare the results with the ones from last year to be able to draw conclusions and see trends directly.
The survey is open until March 31st, 2022 and may of course be shared, forwarded and retweeted with others. We shortened the survey compared to last year – you should only need about 5 minutes. Click here for the survey and enjoy! DevOps 2022 Survey.
Why should you take part?
Five years after our first check on DevOps in Switzerland, it is time to take a closer look at the current state and the adoption of DevOps in 2022. Therefore, we are conducting a study on the state of DevOps in Switzerland.
We will send each survey participant a (of course anonymised) report ‘DevOps in Switzerland’ upon request, in which we compare this year’s results with those of last year, in order to be able to derive trends and better understand the development of DevOps. Therefore you will be asked for your email address at the end of the survey.
And this year we have a prize draw! If you enter your personal details at the end, you’ll automatically enter a prize draw for one (1) Digitec / Galaxus voucher of 200 CHF or one (1) APPUiO Cloud voucher worth 200 CHF! We will contact the two winners privately and separately on Friday, April 1st, 2022 (no April Fools’ Day joke, pretty promise!) The terms and conditions are available.
Help us determine the current state of DevOps in Switzerland!
What is DevOps?
DevOps is not a rigid term and is often understood differently. By hiring a DevOps Engineer, a company does not automatically become a DevOps organization. DevOps is also not to be equated with the use of certain tools or software. DevOps cannot be “bought” and DevOps is not a detached team within the organization. The cultural aspect should also not be underestimated – the corporate culture is the most important reason for a functioning DevOps organization.
The idea behind DevOps is that people work together in harmony and use processes and techniques to continuously benefit the end customer.
If you would like to learn more about DevOps, take a look at our Netzwoche article „DevOps in der Praxis“, DevOps & Cloud Computing or have a look at
Our understanding of DevOps
DevOps is a common term, but unfortunately as vague as ‘Cloud’: Although everyone knows that he wants it or needs it and yet it is not something that you can just order and get delivered the next day.
Our understanding of DevOps is the interdisciplinary collaboration between developers and operations of software in order to use applications quickly and systematically. Our article “What is DevOps – what does VSHN do?” explains our understanding of DevOps.
What do you think of DevOps? How do you apply DevOps in your company?
Take part in our study and tell us about your experience with DevOps and what role DevOps plays in your business.
We are already very excited about the results and especially the trends compared to 2021. Thank you in advance for your participation!