Four weeks paternity leave at VSHN – a field report
In Switzerland, a father is legally entitled to only one day’s leave for the birth of his child, that is just as much as you get for relocating. That’s why VSHN introduced four weeks paternity leave last year.
I was very lucky to be the first VSHNeer to benefit from it. End of November last year our son Lias was born:
This first time with him was absolutely fantastic. I was able to get to know Lias together with my wife in the first month and so already built a good relationship with him. I could not have imagined that I would continue to work normally during this first, very intensive phase after his birth, if only because my thoughts were with my wife and my child.
Every father should have the right to be there after birth for his wife and child.
My wife says:
That my husband could be home with us during the first four weeks was worth gold to me. I do not know how else I would have done it. Now I also know that my husband knows our son well and can take care of him.
To many more VSHN fathers and mothers!