K8up Accepted for CNCF Project Onboarding
Update: k8up is now officially a CNCF sandbox project!
We are thrilled and honored to announce that K8up, the Kubernetes backup operator created by VSHN, has entered the CNCF Project Onboarding process!
We will now work together with the CNCF to complete the onboarding process, providing all the required information geared towards the transfer of the project stewardship to the CNCF.
During this phase, we at VSHN will continue our work, improving K8up with new features and possibilities. The GitHub project is the primary support for this work, and you’re very welcome to check our getting started guide and learn more about K8up.
Thanks to the CNCF for their vote of confidence in K8up! We know this project will be a great addition to the ever-growing world of Cloud Native projects, and we look forward to its future!