
Salut Jessica!

11. Jul 2023

Hi, I’m Jessica and recently joined VSHN as a Scrum Master and Team Facilitator at Team Polaris.

I grew up in a small Village near Murten. I have moved further and further away from there since then: first I went to Fribourg for my Bachelor in psychology (no worries, fortunately I can’t read thoughts (wink)), followed by Bern for my Master in work- and organizational psychology.

Furthermore, I also had my first employment as an organizational developer at the cantonal informatics department in Bern. As an organizational developer, I was responsible for facilitating management and employees events as well as accompanying the organization through different change phases – for example, establishing agile working structures and methods. After a year in, I got to be part of an agile project where I first took the role as a scrum master and later product owner of a team with the focus on user adoption for Microsoft 365 Apps. 

To clean my head after a workday, I design my spare time in diverse ways – there is room for everything from reading books, to traveling with my self-made camper van, to doing sports.

Now I’m in Zurich and very excited to be a part of VSHN, making new experiences and develop myself further. 

Markus Speth

Markus is VSHN's CEO and one of the General Managers.

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