
VSHN.timer #115: PostgreSQL On Kubernetes

1. Nov 2021

Welcome to another VSHN.timer! Every Monday, 5 links related to Kubernetes, OpenShift, CI / CD, and DevOps; all stuff coming out of our own chat system, making us think, laugh, or simply work better.

This week we’re going to talk about various mechanisms available to run PostgreSQL on Kubernetes.

1. PostgreSQL (in version 14 since just one month ago) is by far one of the most popular and powerful open source database engines out there. Many VSHN partners use it every day to store the world’s information, and it is our pleasure to help them run it in their Kubernetes clusters. The good news is that these days there is plenty of options to do that. Watch (or read) Álvaro Hernández, founder and CEO of OnGres, explaining all the reasons why you should be deploying PostgreSQL on Kubernetes, and how to configure it properly.


2. PostgreSQL is widely praised for its stability, documentation, performance, and feature list. To such an extent, that new entrants in the database market make themselves as compatible as possible with it, in order to gain market share and developer acceptance. This is the case of CockroachDB, a 100% PostgreSQL-compatible and open source database system built with the Cloud in mind.


3. To help DevOps engineers with their database needs, these days there are many Kubernetes operators available to simplify the installation, configuration, and management of PostgreSQL in a cluster. One of the most prominent is PGO from CrunchyData, an open source operator to create an out-of-the-box active-active, federated PostgreSQL cluster on Kubernetes; the operator supports GitOps workflows, high availability, and cluster cloning.


4. Another solid, open source Kubernetes operator to get PostgreSQL up and running on your clusters is Kubegres by Reactive Tech, built around standard PostgreSQL features to provide backup, replication, failover, security, and portability. Learn more about it through this Postgres Conference 2021 talk.


5. The third PostgreSQL open source operator for Kubernetes of the week is StackGres by OnGres, providing automated backups, GitOps support, connection pooling, a fully-featured management console, and integration with various standard Cloud Native tools such as Envoy, Prometheus, and Grafana.


Are you deploying PostgreSQL on Kubernetes with operators? How many instances of PostgreSQL are you running in production? Would you like to share any PostgreSQL tips and tricks with the community? Get in touch with us, and see you next week for another edition of VSHN.timer.

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PS3: check out our previous VSHN.timer edition about databases and storage: #111.

Adrian Kosmaczewski

Adrian Kosmaczewski is in charge of Developer Relations at VSHN. He is a software developer since 1996, a trainer, and a published author. Adrian holds a Master in Information Technology from the University of Liverpool.

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