Open Clouds for Research Environments OCRE
VSHN has been contracted to supply the European Research and Academic communities with cloud computing services. This includes Exoscale infrastructure services (IaaS: compute, storage, networking), VSHN container platform services (CaaS/PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS).

Exoscale – the European cloud provider: originally from Switzerland and now part of the A1 Telekom Austria Group.
Services available
- Compute, network, storage (SSD & S3), GPU, VPC
- Kubernetes as a Service
- Database as a Service
- Exoscale DBaaS: PostgreSQL, MySQL, Kafka, Redis, OpenSearch
- VSHN managed services: MariaDB/Galera, MongoDB, ElasticSearch, Memcached, CockroachDB, etc
- Software as a Service
- GitLab
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Middleware
- NGINX Plus & WAF
- Keycloak AAI, etc
- oneclick VDI & Desktop-as-a-Service
- Cilium cloud-native SDN
- Rook/CEPH cloud-native storage
- VSHN Application Marketplace
- Professional Services,
Security & compliance
- Swiss & European companies VSHN & Exoscale, no US Cloud act applicable
- Solves “Schrems II” / CJEU legal compliance problems
- VSHN: Swiss, privately held
- Exoscale: Swiss, part of A1 Telekom Austria Group, A1 Digital
- ISO 27001, ISO 27018 certified
- ISO 27001 certified
- ISAE 3402 audit report available
- GDPR-compliant “data processing agreement (DPA)” is available at no cost
- Already used by Government, Banking, Health/Medical, and Education/Research (see References below)
- 24×7 support available
Pricing & Ordering
- No minimum ordering quantity, turnover, or contract length – most services are billed by the hour
- No Ph.D. is required to understand the pricing model
- 10% discount (less NREN cost recovery if applicable) on computing services including instances, storage S3-compatible object storage, SKS Kubernetes, etc
- Free traffic from & to GEANT (and all connected NRENs and institutions) for both instances and object storage
- Discounts on DBaaS: OpenSearch, Kafka: full discount, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Redis: half discount
- No discount on Marketplace services or Licenses (e.g. instance Windows license)
- Additional Discount Commitment (ADC) for 12-month-pre-committed turnover: 3k-10k: 5%, 10-25k: 10%, 25-100k: 15%, >100k: 20%
- Invoicing in EUR or CHF, monthly post-paid, 10 days net
- Underwriter organization: signs contract, gets “admin account”
- creates projects for sub-organizations that will be separated on the invoice, assigns users, can set soft (“alerts”) and hard (“budget”) financial limits on projects
- users have full self-service using web-portal and API (Ansible, Terraform, “exo” CLI)
- Integration with eduGAIN for user management federation underway
- Integration with OpenID Connect IDP is already supported for SSO
- Helix Nebula Science Cloud (HNSci Cloud) / RHEA Project:
- University of Utrecht ASReview project
- Leibniz-Institut für Gemüse und Zierpflanzenbau (IGZ)
- OpenShift- based Container-as-a-Service platform since 2018
- Swiss Federal Archives
- Linked Data Platform
- Other VSHN industry references
Webinar in English
Webinar in German
Interested to use Exoscale or VSHN services in a research institution? Contact us below for more information and a trial voucher: