
VSHN.timer #173: GitAIOps

27. Feb 2023

Welcome to another VSHN.timer! Every Monday, 5 links related to Kubernetes, OpenShift, CI / CD, and DevOps; all stuff coming out of our own chat system, making us think, laugh, or simply work better.

This week we’re going to talk about the latest news around Git, GitHub, GitLab, and GitOps.

1. GitLab decided to integrate Flux CD, a mature GitOps solution, with the GitLab agent for Kubernetes. Why did they choose Flux instead of, say, ArgoCD or other options? Learn about their reasons on this blog post.


2. Some recent public betas from the GitHub Engineering team: pull request merge queues (increasing velocity by automating merges into your busiest branches) and code search and code view (helping developers search, navigate, and understand code.)


3. The next cdCon + GitOpsCon will take place from May 8th and 9th in Vancouver, Canada! Yes, precisely where we opened shop last year. If you happen to be around, come and say hi! In the meantime, check the CD Foundation Best Practices website.


4. Tired of commit+pushing your .gitlab-ci.yml to test your pipelines? Run GitLab pipelines locally instead! It’s the GitLab equivalent of nektos/act for GitHub Actions we talked about in VSHN.timer #119.


5. The VSHN.timer tools of the week are Nutlope/aicommits, the CLI that writes your git commit messages with AI, and jmforsythe/Git-Heat-Map, to visualise your repositories by diff activity.


Are you using ChatGPT to generate your Git commits? Are you attending cdCon + GitOpsCon in Vancouver? Would you like to share some other news in the Git space? Get in touch with us, and see you next week for another edition of VSHN.timer.

PS: check out our previous VSHN.timer editions about Git, GitOps, GitHub and GitLab: #10, #48, #68, #83, #98, #119, #139, and #150.

PS2: do you prefer reading VSHN.timer in your favorite RSS reader? Subscribe to this feed.

PS3: would you like to receive VSHN.timer every Monday in your inbox? Sign up for our weekly VSHN.timer newsletter.

Adrian Kosmaczewski

Adrian Kosmaczewski ist bei VSHN für den Bereich Developer Relations zuständig. Er ist seit 1996 Software-Entwickler, Trainer und veröffentlichter Autor. Adrian hat einen Master in Informationstechnologie von der Universität Liverpool.

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