Past Events
04 DecDevOpsCon Munich 2023
The Conference for CI/CD, the Kubernetes Ecosystem, Agile & Lean Business
23 NovCloud Native Computing Meetup – November 2023
Please join our November 2023 CNC meetup on Thursday, November 23rd 2023 at 16:00 CET.
16 NovCloud Native Computing Switzerland – Fédéral Edition Lausanne
The Cloud Native Computing Switzerland Meetup goes places! We’re continuing our initiative of hosting CNC CH meetups in various cities of Switzerland, to meet and learn from Cloud Native experts all over the country.
The second of these events will happen in Lausanne, at the Exoscale Headquarters, on Thursday, November 16th at 18:00 CEST. Join us!
06 NovKubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2023
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s flagship conference gathers adopters and technologists from leading open source and cloud native communities in Chicago, Illinois from November 6-9, 2023.
19 OctUnlocking Seamless Application Management Introducing gepardec-run
Einblicke in eine komplementäre DACH-übergreifende Partnerschaft zwischen Exoscale, VSHN und gepardec.
03 OctCloud Natives Zurich: Azure & beyond
Annie Talvasto, CNCF Ambassador and Azure MVP, will introduce the audience to the latest and coolest CNCF tools and projects, providing inspiration and ideas for future projects.
21 SepSwiss Cloud Native Day 2023
Im 2023 wird die lokale Cloud Native Community die dritte Ausgabe des Cloud Native Day auf dem Gurten organisieren.
19 SepControl Plane Day with Crossplane
Crossplane is the cloud native control plane framework. With more than 9,000 people in the Slack community and 7,000+ GitHub stars, it has become a thriving open source community of technologists. Join the community for a live online event featuring technical talks and networking with peers and project maintainers building platforms powered by Crossplane. At its five-year mark, get an update on what’s happening with the project, understand new strategies for building with Crossplane, and gain the know-how to take your cloud control plane expertise to the next level.
07 SepAPPUiO Beerup #8
The annual APPUiO Beerup takes place at the VSHN Tower in Zurich. On September 7th, the talks begin at 16:30. Afterwards, there will be something cool to drink and something tasty to nibble on as usual.
29 Aug.NET Day Switzerland 2023
Unsere Annie Talvasto präsentiert „HITCHHIKER’S GUIDE TO DEVELOPING SUSTAINABLE CODE“ auf dem .NET Day Switzerland 2023 in Zürich.
28 AugCopenhagen Developers Festival
Copenhagen Developers Festival is a 5-day event for software developers with 2 workshop days, 3 days of conference talks, and 2 unforgettable festival evenings with live music, entertainment and much more.
24 AugCloud Native Computing Meetup – August 2023
Please join our August 2023 CNC meetup on Thursday, August 24th 2023 at 16:00 CEST.
17 JulKubernetes Community Days Munich 2023
On July 17th – 18th, the Kubernetes community will gather in Munich for a two-day technical conference loaded with exciting talks, workshops and plenty of opportunities to exchange and network.
The event is aimed at developers, systems engineers and all IT professionals with an interest in cloud native technologies.
Kubernetes Community Days are regional events that bring together hundreds of IT executives, cloud operators and technology providers to discuss cloud computing and to learn about Kubernetes. These annual events are supported by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation and are organized by a community of local Kubernetes user groups and supporting companies.
Our Annie Talvasto is presenting. -
29 JunCloud Native Computing Switzerland – Fédéral Edition Basel
The Cloud Native Computing Switzerland Meetup goes places! We’re starting a new initiative of hosting CNC CH meetups in other cities of Switzerland, to meet and learn from the Cloud Native experts all over the country.
21 JunState of DevOps in Switzerland
VSHN surveyed over 100 technology professionals across Switzerland to understand how businesses are perceiving, managing, and utilising DevOps.
Join the event to discover how we have broken down their responses to uncover the state of DevOps in Switzerland and how it will evolve throughout 2023 and beyond.
15 JunKubernetes Community Days Zürich
Experience the power of community at the Kubernetes Community Days in Zurich! When a diverse group of experts comes together to learn, network, and share knowledge on all things cloud native.
14 JunExoscale acceler8 Vienna 2023
Cloud, Kubernetes (K8s), DBaaS, and similar topics are at the top of the minds of many IT people and business decision-makers. With our event Exoscale acceler8 | Vienna we give detailed insights into exactly those topics. Get first-hand insights on how to best use the Exoscale cloud to enable your projects, ideas, and workloads. Success Stories & Use Cases of our partners and customers give you practical insights into the manifold possibilities and help you to accelerate your business.
Our Aarno Aukia will be presenting together with our partner, Günter Pirklbauer, CEO at
13 JunFinTech 2023
The Swiss financial center must seize strategic opportunities – for example in the areas of open and embedded finance, instant payment, and sustainability. The developments in these topics are clear: concepts and recommendations are becoming requirements of customers and governments, and new business areas can and must be developed.
Are Swiss start-ups, banks, and insurance companies able to proactively exploit these trends together as a perspective for the future and serve them in the form of value-creating products and services for private and business customers? Will the fintech ecosystem be able to prove itself as an enabler of important transformations?
At the Finanz und Wirtschaft Forum’s leading fintech conference thought leaders, decision makers, and innovators from established financial institutions, startups, and technology companies will come together to shape the future of the industry.
07 JunCloud Native Basel Meetup June 2023
Our Aarno Aukia is presenting „Inside Kubernetes: Successfully Running a Mega Fleet at Scale“
25 MayCloud Native Computing Switzerland Meetup – May 2023
Please join our May 2023 CNC meetup on Thursday, May 25th 2023 at 16:00 CET.
23 MayRed Hat Summit 2023
Join us at Red Hat® Summit, May 23-25 in Boston, to try new features and explore the future of open source and hybrid cloud.
10 MayOpen Source Summit North America
Open Source Summit is the premier event for open source developers, technologists, and community leaders to collaborate, share information, solve problems, and gain knowledge, furthering open source innovation and ensuring a sustainable open source ecosystem. It is the gathering place for open-source code and community contributors.
03 MayDevOpsDays Zurich 2023
devopsdays Zurich (Winterthur) on May 3 – 4, 2023, at the Alte Kaserne Winterthur (Technikumstrasse 8, 8400 Winterthur, Switzerland)
18 AprKubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2023
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s flagship conference gathers adopters and technologists from leading open source and cloud native communities in Amsterdam, The Netherlands from 18-21 April, 2023.
23 FebCloud Native Computing Switzerland Meetup – February 2023
Please join our February 2023 CNC meetup on Thursday, February 23rd 2023 at 16:00 CET.
26 JanConf42: DevOps 2023
Since 2014, our slogan at VSHN has been The DevOps Company. Following that ethos, VSHN applies all of its DevOps, Agile, and Sociocracy practice to creating our services and products.