
Welcome Andreas!

14. Nov 2024

Hi, my name’s Andreas and I joined team Aldebaran as DevOps Engineer back in October.

Throughout my career I have seen a variety of interesting fields and projects, where I mainly worked as Software Engineer and Consultant. As my expertise was growing, my interest in container technologies, container orchestration and cloud computing grew with it, and I started to do more and more DevOps work. While these new technologies are exciting, I discovered that increasing security requirements also need to be addressed. So I decided to specialize in cloud security. I’m confident that with this skill set, I’m going to fit in VSHN perfectly.

In my free time, I also maintain a variety of interests. I do community work as the president of a local table soccer club, music production, DJing, and I love the outdoors. In the cold winter months, I also like to work on some private IT projects.

I’m looking forward to working at VSHN and collaborating with my colleagues.

Markus Speth

Marketing, People, Strategy

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